Tuesday 29 September 2020

Residential Schools-Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day

After the movie we watched and discussed in class, read the following article.
Residential Schools

1. What does assimilation mean? How does this word describe what was being attempted with the First Nation's People?
2. How many First Nation children in total attended a Residential School?
3. It wasn't just Residential schools that tried to shape students to fit what they think a good citizen should be. How do schools today try and produce what the schools think are good citizens?
4. What can of respect did Canada give to the Indigenous people of this land. Use examples in your answer. 


  1. 1. What does assimilation mean? How does this word describe what was being attempted with the First Nation's People? Assimilation means to make someone the same as some one else.

    2. How many First Nation children in total attended a Residential School? Approximately 150 000 in total

    3. It wasn't just Residential schools that tried to shape students to fit what they think a good citizen should be. How do schools today try and produce what the schools think are good citizens? Good nice people who want to protect people nd don't want to change anyone to be like them

    4. What kind of respect did Canada give to the Indigenous people of this land. Use examples in your answer. Terrible respect (ex; residential schools, taking there land, and trying to change them)

  2. schools today let the kids go home at the end of the day so that makes them work hard so they dont have homework at the end of the day and insted of beting them the teachers help them

  3. 3. It wasn't just Residential schools that tried to shape students to fit what they think a good citizen should be. How do schools today try and produce what the schools think are good citizens? They educate them on how people did wrong in the past and how they can try and fix that in the future

  4. 1)assimilation means making someone else the same as you.(example if everybody in the school has belly button rings everybody would all be assimilated)
    2) about 150 000 first nation children attended residential schools.
    3) the schools teach kids to be well listen to people that are older because they probably know better than you they also teach you to follow the rules and to treat people with respect.
    4) they did not give them respect they took their kids away and took their culture away.

  5. 1) The word assimilation means the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas. The Europeans were trying to make the indigenous understand that you can not be indigenous, you have to obey us and obey our rules or ells you will get punished.
    2) In all about 150,000 First Nation, Inuit and Metis children were kicked out and sent to school.
    3) Theas days people are very nice and respectful of our cloture yet some people might still believe in residential schools.
    4) They gave them land to live on, they respect their beliefs and cloture and some come to teach us about them, they even gave them a special day called orange shirt day that we all celebrate.

  6. Assimilation means, is to become like others, or help another person to adapt to a new environment. An example of assimilation is the change of dress and behaviors an immigrant may go through when living in a new country. Assimilation is defined as to learn and comprehend. It is estimated that about 150,000 aboriginal children attended residential school. number 4:The Government of Canada is investing $6.4 million in 22 First Nations-led projects through the Indigenous Guardians Pilot Program.
