Tuesday 29 September 2020

Text to speech with Google Chrome

 To have your Google Chrome browser to read to you, add this extension. 


To have text in Word read to you, type 'speach' in the search window. 

Our Dictionary

 In the style of an illuminated manuscript, we will be creating a dictionary with the other grade 6 classes.

Here is an actual dictionary entry. Your entry won't need the plural information (How to use the word) or the origin information (Word Origin), 

For your dictionary entry

-Do 2 Words from the letter(s) you are given
-Is the word a noun, a verb, both, or . . . ? (1pt)
-Define the word  (could be several definitions) (2pts)
-Use the word in an example sentence (2pts)
-CORRECT spelling and grammar, this is a dictionary after all (2pts)
-Artistry (3pts)

Step 1-Blog below the letters you have been assigned.
Step 2-Using a program that will help with the editing, like Word, create your entries. 

Example Chip-Noun  Meaning-A smaller version of something larger. 'He is a chip of the old block.'

Here is Kevin's dictionary from the book we are reading The Mighty.



AARDVARK, a silly-looking creature that eats ants

AARGH, what the aardvark says when it eats ants

ABACUS, a finger-powered computer

ABSCISSA, the horizontal truth

ALGORITHM, maths with a rock-‘n’-rock beat

ALIMENTARY, what Sherlock Holmes said to Dr. Watson

about where the food disappeared

ALLEGORY, a peculiar kind of story that’s often pretty


ARCHETYPE, what Max sees when he dreams of


ARITHMETIC, inventing with numbers

ARMOUR, a robotlike suit worn by knights of old


BIG LIE, ignorance is bliss

BIONIC, a way to improve on the human condition

BLOVIATE, to expel hot air in the form of words

BOATS, shoes big enough to fit Maxwell Kane

BOOK, a four-letter word for truth serum

BRAIN, a muscle that improves with exercise

BUTTHEAD, one who can sneeze a hot dog through

his nose


CAMOUFLAGE, how a camel blends into the desert

CIGARETTE, something that should be obscene, not smoked

COPACETIC, the Fair Gwen’s word for “everything is cool”

CRETIN, another name for Blade

CRITTERS, small, irritating children, also known as rug rats


DEMEANOUR, the meaner your face, the worse your


DICTIONARY, a source of knowledge, fun, and rude jokes

DOWN UNDER, a land far away in Maxwell’s basement

DYAD, another word for Max and Kevin

DYNE, unit of energy needed to move a gram one

centimetre per second per second


EDIFICATION, education that tastes good

ERG, a measure of energy equal to one dyne per


EXCALIBUR, a sword with magic powers


FEALTY, loyalty with an “F”

FOLDEROL, Grim’s word for nonsense

FOOD, fuel for humans, preferably so-called junk or UFO

FOOZLE, to make a stupid mistake

FORNAX, a cool-sounding constellation

FORMICIDAE, a type of insect never found in Kevin’s pants

FURFURACEOUS, covered with dandruff


GADZOOKS, what Grim says when surprised

GALAHAD, son of Lancelot, finder of the Holy Grail

GOON, a four-letter word for Max in a bad mood

GRAM, a sweet lady of light

GRIM, a gentleman of the old school, before they tore

it down

GRUEL, whatever you want more of


HABERDASHER, a person who chases after windblown hats

HAIKU, versification by the quantum mechanic

means numberless sum

HAMMERHEAD, a know-it-all

HERSTORY, the past, from the female point of view

HIEROGLYPHICS, Max’s handwriting

HISTORY, the past, from the male point of view

HOLUS-BOLUS, all at once

HUMAN, an improbable, imperfect creature


IAPETUS, a cool-sounding moon that orbits Saturn

ICARUS, a high-flyer, as in “to do an icarus”

ICHTHYOLOGY, the study of icky foods, for instance fish

IDEA, a seed you plant in your head

IGNEOUS, too hot to eat

INCANDESCENT, an excellent idea

INTERGALACTIC, out of this world


JABBAWOCKY, the language of Jabba the Hut

JILLION, millions and millions

JITTERBUG, a nervous cockroach

JOCULAR, amusingly athletic

JOCULARITY, a joke made by a jock

JOULE, a measure of energy equal to ten million ergs

JURASSIC, cool, excellent, what the Fair Gwen calls



KAZOO, a place where weird-sounding musical instruments

are kept in cages

KEVIN, a unit of measurement equal to 70 centimetres

KINETICS, the study of small families

KNIGHT, rhymes with bright and fight and right

KONG, another word for falling down


LACRIMATION, an emotional display to be avoided

LAGOON, a French gangster

LANCELOT, King Arthur’s bravest knight

LEXICOGRAPHY, what Webster invented, Kevin perfected

LIBRARY, where they keep the truth serum, and the magic


LIFTOFF, what happens when you open a book

LIMERICK, a mighty dude called Max,

saved his pal from bad attacks,

then they conquered the world,

with banner unfurled,

and time left over for snacks


MAGNESIUM, the white sparkles in skyrockets

MASSIVES, fat heads who assume that television tells the


MATHS, you have nothing to fear but maths itself

MAX, a unit of measurement equal to 190 centimetres and

still growing

Freak the Mighty Rejacket.qxd 08/12/2006 11:42 Page 182

MEGAPOD, Max’s shoe size

MIDGET, a word used by people with small minds

MUCIFEROUS, any disgusting food, as in muciferous tapioca


NANOSECOND, one-billionth of a second

NEANDERTHALS, what we all were before plumbing was


NICOTINE, a toxic waste of time

NONILLION, millions of septillions


OBFUSCATE, a needlessly confusing word for needlessly


OBSTINATE, Kevin when he knows he’s right

ODORIFEROUS, sneaker perfume

OLFACTORY, where they manufacture smells

ORNITHOPTER, a big word for mechanical bird


PERCIVALE, a knight who saw the Holy Grail

PHYSICS, what matters to energy

POSTULATE, when you presume to assume

POTASSIUM CHLORATE, the womp in a skyrocket

POTASSIUM NITRATE, the bang in a skyrocket

PRIMORDIAL, the good old days

Freak the Mighty Rejacket.qxd 08/12/2006 11:42 Page 183

PRIMORDIAL OOZE, boring conversation about the good old



QUADRILLION, more than a billion, less than a quintillion

QUANTIC, more than enough, as in “quantic amounts of


QUANTUM, imaginary sums of impossible numbers

QUEST, an adventure in which you have to use your


QUINTILLION, more than a quadrillion, less than a septillion


READING, beaming up into books

RELATIVITY, the study of mysterious relatives

ROBOTICS, the science of designing and building robots

ROBOT, a mechanical entity, sometimes endowed with

human characteristics

ROUND TABLE, where King Arthur passes out the snack food


SAUROPOD, a vegan

SEISMIC, so exciting it makes you vibrate

SEPTILLION, billions of billions

SPASTIC, how the Fair Gwen talks when she’s nervous

STRONTIUM NITRATE, the blue in a skyrocket


TELEMETRY, how to make nurses jump every time

you sneeze

TELEVISION, the opiate of the massives

TELLURIAN, another word for earthling

TIME MACHINE, your imagination

TRACHEOTOMY, a unique method of whistling the “Star

Trek” theme

TROGLODYTE, one who hates books

TUBILIFEROUS, splendid, close to perfect


UFOLOGY, see under food; the study of the Unidentified

Frying Objects

UNICORN, a horse who makes a point


VAMOOSE, what you say to a moose when you want it to leave

VANQUISH, to defeat in battle, preferably with dragons

VEGAN, a human sauropod

VISCOUS, a thick, vicious liquid


WATT, a measure of electricity equal to one joule per


WRITING, talking on paper


XYLOID, another word for blockhead


YONDER, a place that always lies over the next horizon


ZAG, what you do after you zig

ZED, a Z in England

ZEST, the zing in orange

ZIG, what you do before you zag

ZING, what you taste when you bite into an orange

ZIT, adolescent eruption, not to be confused with teenage


ZOO, an eighth-grade English class

Residential Schools-Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day

After the movie we watched and discussed in class, read the following article.
Residential Schools

1. What does assimilation mean? How does this word describe what was being attempted with the First Nation's People?
2. How many First Nation children in total attended a Residential School?
3. It wasn't just Residential schools that tried to shape students to fit what they think a good citizen should be. How do schools today try and produce what the schools think are good citizens?
4. What can of respect did Canada give to the Indigenous people of this land. Use examples in your answer. 

Monday 28 September 2020

This Week

 -Orange Day on Wednesday

-Immunizations on Wednesday morning. Get your forms in!

-Lunch forms need to be handed in too

-Freak the Mighty readings, possibly starting a dictionary later in the week.

-For the dictionary, gather some colouring supplies. 

-More Confederation

-Friday, Journal 4. If you need a starting sentence. 'It all began when the plate of macaroni started talking back'

-Also Picture Day on Friday

Thursday 24 September 2020

Residential Schools and Orange Shirt Day

History of Orange Shirt Day

Information about school

More information about the school

 Picture of school 1

Picture of school 2

Picture of school 3

First Day of School

NCTR information

Residential School Name: Pine Creek (Camperville)

Location of school:

Years the school operated:

How many students died at school:

Who operated the school:

One other fact about the school:

Blog your facts below

Giving Instructions

 Instruction writing is an important skill. We all have encountered a situation where we had to write down and/or follow written instructions. This standard travel mug, metal outside, hard plastic on the inside, and a lid with a sippy hole that slides open, came with 10 instructional points on how to properly care and safely use the cup.  Blog in kidblog your 10 instructional points on the safe care and usage of this cup.


The people who formed the country Canada.  Many of the people above had investments in railways. Anything else about the picture?

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Your Persuasive Paragraph in kid blog

 Read over the comments by your classmates and make the changes you need to. 

Opening sentence clearly stating your view- /2

Body sentences giving reasons for your view- /3

Closing statement summing up your view- /2

Mechanics- /1

Effective language, well reasoned argument- /2


Why is the school flag at half mast?


Monday 21 September 2020

Journal 3 and other events coming up

 Again, due Friday. Last class this week will be time to write the Journal. 7 Sentences again, any topic you wish. If you need a starting sentence "The troubles in Cuba started when the moose forgot to pack . . . "

-Title your Journal 3 Journal 3

-Share to Teacher in Word

-Paste into kidblog if you wish to share with classmates

A week Wednesday will be a day of Orange about Residential schools. Get an orange shirt ready. Other events leading up to September 30. 

Persuasive paragraph this week. Instructions and dictionary writing coming up. More reading from The Mighty. Confederation also on the agenda. 

Thursday 17 September 2020

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing Part 1

Confederation Presentation

First Week of School

  Well done in just getting to school for the first week. A new school, new ways of doing things, bigger kids around you, and then the whole mask and physical distancing protocols. 

    Try and navigate the first week of school puzzle here.   Click check solution at the bottom when you think you are done. The puzzle will highlight in red any mistakes you may have made. Good Luck!

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Fun Question

 This is coming to Winnipeg on Saturday, it is 350 years old and is something you talked about in grade 5 history.  It is also a place you probably have been to or driven by when going downtown. 

Canadian Stereotypes


A stereotype is a widely held belief about a group of people. An example would be that if your are Canadian you love hockey. Sometimes the stereotype is rooted in some fact, hockey is more popular in Canada than anywhere else in the world, but as we know, there are many Canadians that don't love hockey, and it would be wrong to assume that a Canadian loves hockey or that to be Canadian you have to love hockey. 

Share below a stereotype about Winnipegers, and/or about Winnipeg.

Essay, Part 3, and done!

 3 Paragraphs- a paragraph is a collection of sentences on 1 topic                                         3

3 Topic sentences- A sentence is one complete thought. The topic sentence should describe what the paragraph is about                                                                                                                    3

Many body sentences-Sentences on the topic of your paragraph                                            9

3 Concluding sentences-Restating what the paragraph is about.                                             3

Mechanics-Do the spelling errors, punctuation, and grammar detract from the message?      2

(/dib The. speling punches grammies hard to read, not?)


Accessing Microsoft Office

 The school division has paid for you to have Microsoft Office, which is a great resource and accessible from home. You can store and access most everything we do here in class online with Office.

To access, click on the Office 365 link above OR type in Office 365 in the search bar. 

Username-  computer username@sjasd.ca

Password- Your Computer Password

To share with the teacher click share,  and type in my name. 

Some videos below to help with the process

Monday 14 September 2020

Essay, quick check on part 2

 Now that you are turning your graphic organizer into paragraphs, lets check on the structure of your 3 paragraphs.

1st Sentence-Topic Sentence. This sentence is What the paragraph is about. 

Example- I love to read

Body Sentences-Sentences that fill out the topic sentence.

I start the day reading, grabbing the newspaper and checking out the sports, perusing the editorial page, and creeping on the advice column. Of course I read throughout the day as a teacher. Then when I get home, I often read to try a new recipe, fix an appliance, or just for fun. 

Concluding Sentence-Summarizes what the paragraph was about. It restates the topic sentence. 

Reading is a great way to spend time.

    I love to read. I start the day reading, grabbing the newspaper and checking out the sports, perusing the editorial page, and creeping on the advice column. Of course I read throughout the day as a teacher. Then when I get home, I often read to try a new recipe, fix an appliance, or just for fun. Reading is a great way to spend time.

Due Dates

 -Wednesday, the 3 body paragraphs for the essay about you

-Friday, and every Friday, Journal

-Bring tomorrow, Tuesday, your library card, if you have one. 

Journal 2

 Again, at least 7 sentences, on any topic(s) that you wish to write about. If you need a prompt, "When I woke up, I was the ruler of the world, and this is what I did."

You may write this during your spare time at school or at home. You will also have last period on Friday to write it. 

Friday 11 September 2020

Journal 1

 Journal may be done on kidblog or in a notebook. If done on kidblog, you may publish to the teacher only or share with the class

At least 7 sentences. Remember, a sentence is a complete thought, starting with a capital and ending with a period.

If done early, you may quietly read

Have a great weekend. 

Essay about You part II

 Give each paragraph a topic sentence and a concluding sentence, which sandwiches the body sentences. A nice touch is to have the concluding sentence of the previous paragraph connect with the topic sentence of the following paragraph.  See the teacher example.

Each body paragraph
-Topic sentence -Body sentences      
-Concluding and Transitional sentence


I love to read. I start the day reading, grabbing the newspaper and checking out the sports, perusing the editorial page, and creeping on the advice column. Of course I read throughout the day as a teacher. Then when I get home, I often read to try a new recipe, fix an appliance, or just for fun. Reading is a great way to spend spare time.

        Something else I like to do in my spare time is play sports. In the winter time I play hockey and curl. I also go and swing kettle bells with some friends. Family gatherings  often see a game of road hockey break out. Often on the weekends I find time to play a game of touch rugby either outside in the snow or at an indoor field in Garden City. Sports is probably more than something I do in my spare time, it is a large part of my life. 

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Essay about You!

Essay about You!!!

Step 1
Graphic Organizer-At least 3 sections/topics about you.
-At least 4 POINTS in each topic. Sentences will come later. 

This can be done by hand, or by the template found in handouts.