Thursday 29 October 2020


Halloween is coming up. Here are some facts about Halloween in Canada , here is some of the history of Halloween in Canada and below you will find some video clips about Halloween.  Blog your answers where it says comments below

1.Comment an interesting fact that you found
2.Comment another interesting fact
3.Comment something about how halloween was celebrated in the past.
4. Trick or Treating was something that became widespread in Canada starting in the 1950s, which isn't that long ago. Even in that short time it has changed. Winnipeg children used to holler 'halloween apple' to ask for candy. How do you think Halloween will be celebrated 50 years from now in Canada? Give a reason for your prediction in the comments below.


  1. 355.9 million What Canadians spent on candy, confectionary and snack foods in October of last year.

  2. interesting facts. 1. children used to steal things and pull pranks. 2. the halloween idea is 3000 years old.

  3. 355 mil is how much money is spent on candy in canada last year.

  4. in 50 years Halloween will cuz I get to un-out candy for kids since I'm 50 something

  5. you should know im caedyn29 October 2020 at 07:58

    i also found weird like boy taking a gate like is this necessary

  6. almost 4 million people are going trick or treating from age 5 to 14

  7. nick the marshmello29 October 2020 at 07:58

    that canada only started trick or treating 60 years ago

  8. in the past, halloween was celebrated by children going door to door, either freaking out residents of houses or receiving candy or treats and moving on the the next house

  9. 9,575 Canadians who identified as Wiccan in 2001 and
    850 Canadians who identified as Satanists in 2001

  10. you should know im caedyn29 October 2020 at 07:59

    i think in 50 years kids will take the candy then prank them

  11. Halloween was celebrated in the past by playing tricks on your neighbors, and that is why people say "trick-or-treat" which means, give us a treat or we will give you a trick

  12. 4.I feel like they would give out just as much but there would be different candy I think

  13. In 50 years, I believe that we will have trashed the planet so badly that all traditions will have been destroyed and there will be no halloween

  14. I think that it will change a lot in the next 50 years, it has already changed a lot since 50 years ago, it will be crazy and there will probably be real lightsabers

  15. 1.3,734,401 Possible trick-or-treaters who may walk the streets this Halloween
    2.Halloween became increasingly popular with adults beginning in the 1990s and by 2014 was estimated to be a $1-billion industry in Canada, making it the second most commercially successful holiday behind Christmas.
    3.In celtic tradition about 2,000 years ago they would make a big bond fire and put crops and animals in for sacrifice to the celtic gods. As they did this they would were costumes made up of animal furs and heads. After the bond fire ended they would re-burn the fire so they get protected from the cold winter that is coming up.
    4.i think haloween will be celebrated the sme exept there will lots of tech involved

  16. 355.9 million What Canadians spent on candy, confectionary and snack foods in October of last year.

  17. you should know im caedyn29 October 2020 at 08:02

    they used to steal gattes

  18. 3,734,401 Potential trick-or-treaters who may roam the streets this Halloween (Anyone aged five to 14).

  19. Fact 1- $355.9 million What Canadians spent on candy, confectionary and snack foods in October of last year.

    Fact 2- 3,734,401 Potential trick-or-treaters who may roam the
    streets this Halloween (Anyone aged five to 14).

    something I found that happened I the pat is Halloween customs,
    such as wearing disguises to ward off ghosts and offering food to appease malevolent spirits, were brought to Canada in the mid-to-late 1800s by Irish and Scottish immigrants.

    I think Halloween will be celebrated by people will be handing out technology instead of candy. I also think that maybe there will not be as any people dressing up.

  20. in 50th years will be the future

  21. 1)On average, kids who trick or treat will bring home a bag of candies worth 11,000 calories.
    2) Halloween is the second highest-grossing commercial holiday.
    3)people had Halloween party's with over 5 guests over.
    4)I think that in fifty years the covid will be over so people will have party's and go trick or treating without wearing masks.


  22. nick the marshmello29 October 2020 at 08:04

    it was not a Christian thing

  23. what they did in the past was gate day so prank day and would have big bon fires.

  24. 4 they will start giving out i pads because everyone will be rich. or everyone will give out full sized chocolate and candy bars.

  25. different candy flying cars and a hole bunch of other futuristic stuff.

  26. halloween is the 2nd most popular hollawday

  27. nick the marshmello29 October 2020 at 08:10

    I think in 50 years people are going to be driving to different houses in self driving cars

  28. Canadian Halloween originated 1800's

  29. halooween is the 2nd popualar hoilday

  30. A interesting fact is that some people used to call the day before Halloween "All hollow's eve". Another interesting fact is that some people would say Halloween apple instead of saying Trick or Treat. How Halloween was celebrated in the past was people were going around a steeling gates from people houses and doing pranks on a lot of people. How i think that Halloween is going to be in 50 years is everyone will be on flouting bikes

  31. halloween was celebrated with big firers

  32. 1)An interesting fact that I found was that if you did not give candy to the children, they would vandalize your home.
    2) Another interesting fact that I found was that catholic people would see that people celebrate something let us say Halloween they would make that holiday theirs.
    3) Halloween Apples were a common treat.
    4) In fifty years from now I think Halloween would either not exist because of covid-19 or would get advanced and kids would scare people and have fun in mazes and haunted houses.

  33. People would prank you like removing peoples gate and put on masks
    I think it will change that peole are maybe going to not drees up for halloween

  34. I think halloween will be a day of spockynes

  35. candy apples were really popular and they used to steal gates 50 years ago


  37. 1 Halloween post cards were popular 1900 1940
    2 they would steal gates wagon wheels and barrels.
    3 they used to bob for apples
    4 I think in the future people will give out different types of candy

  38. Halloween used to be called Hallowmas

  39. people used to say halloween apels
