Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Wednesday, halfway through the week

 Thank you for leaving the school promptly yesterday for early dismissal. 

Job 1-Yearbook entry. I gave feedback to those who sent something in yesterday. Read your feedback and resubmit. Thank you for your work.

Past Due-I have emailed the students about missing journals and missing facts for the research project.  

Next week-Back at school or not, we will be doing our history project presentations

You are now class expert on you topic and will educate us.  

You will try for  a 2 1/2minute speech (150 seconds) with about 10 pictures for your presentation.

(like the demonstrations I have given in class.)

Things to focus on:
1. Why they/are/it is famous.
2. Impact on today’s society?
3. How they/it advanced science/technology/literature/government/other?

You will be marked on the following:
1. The information presented.
2. Information being presented in an interesting manner.
3. Pictures used (make them relevant).

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