Monday 30 November 2020

Coming Up


Last of Social Study presentations

Questions on the presentations

Tuesday-Early Dismissal

Tuesday & Wednesday Ms Carey p4

End of the week, should have at least 50 points on the Book Review

Friday-Journal Due, but it can be handed in earlier.

Going to the Beach Day on Friday Cancelled-School wide pj day

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Coming Up

 -Finishing the Social Study Presentations

-Working on Freak the Mighty book review

-Friday is Fancy Dress Day, and of course our journal being due and early hot chocolate. 

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Social Studies Projects Facts handed in


Cypress hills massacre Occurred in 1873 June first 


  Happened in present day Saskatchewan 



The place it occurred used to be in North West territories  




 image of cypress hills from google. 







News of the cypress hills massacre didn’t reach Ottawa till late late August 1873




The Cypress Hills Massacre involved a group of American bison hunters, American wolf hunters or "wolfers", American and Canadian whisky traders 

Wolfvers are people who hunted wolves and other animals for money



You can still visit the site where it happened  



Cypress hills is now a really peaceful park to visit, with a campground nearby 


  Thomas W. Hardwick and john Evans and the other wolvers lost their horses and assumed it was stolen by the nearby Assiniboine tribe

 They visited the tribe and saw that their horses weren't' there

Later they ran into a whiskey trader and got drunk

The next day they went back to the Assiniboine tribe to demand their horses

There horses weren't there, but to prevent trouble, the tribe offered to lend them other horses

This wasn't good enough for the wolvers. Sensing trouble, the women and the children of the village quickly left

The wolvers opened fire and killed 13 people. 


 One of the results was that the RCMP were formed. 

Some were caught and brought to Winnipeg to face trial

No one was found guilty



BC joining Canada  

  • John a MacDonald gets BC to join Canada by promising them a railway connecting them with the rest of Canada  

  • 20 July 1871 bc joins Canada  

  • Between 1881 and 1885 railway stared getting built  

  • They were promised a railway  

  • They made an agreement that the railway wound must started within ten years  

  • Canada could build the rail sea to sea and so that Canada would be more powerful  

  • Canada became the first country to have a railway from seto sea 

  •   while they were building the railway they found it confusing to follow all the different times of different cities so they made time zones wich lead to standard time  

  • They say that every mile the railway was built one Chinese man died  

  • Bc was reluctant to join Canada because so far away and the mountains in the way 

  • BC had and still has a strong relationship with The U.S., (Seattle) because it is so close and so easy to get to.  




1877 The University of Manitoba is created  

Who/What (describe major people/groups/event/action/activity involved) 1-See above-Focus! 
St. Boniface College, St. John's College, and Manitoba College. 

1877  When (period it took place, try and be very specific)1-Focus 


3 Marks for the above information, 12 marks for the information below 
_______How (How it worked, happened, was created/created change) Multiple Marks 

Many people worked together to create 

It was made from 3 different schools 

It worked by having the people from the schools create 1 school board and combine to become 


 ______ Why (purpose/significance of event/action/activity/person) was important. Impact on us today? Multiple Marks 
to be a degree granting body 

Later became able to do own teaching 

Its is now a big university that many people go to 

Became the biggest university with student enrollment and campus size 


 ______Interesting facts and explanationsMultiple Marks 


It is basically 9 colleges 

The first degree was given to a metis student 

Jessie holmes was the fist female student 

The department of native studies 

The u if m sports teams win national chapionships 



2The British colony`s joined Canadas confederation to make the sixth province. 


3July 20th , 1871. 


4The British colony sent a three-man party to Ottawa to talk about joining confederation in 1870. 


5) America was threatening to take land from Canada. 

    Canada needed help defending against America.  

    Part of why is making trades easier and get richer as a country. 

    Canada was afraid America would attack again like they did in 1812. 



6There was a railway linking BC through Canada.  

    The area where British Columbia is now was populated after the last ice age.  

    The British colony was made in 1858 to help in the Fraser River Gold Rush. 

    The ‘Canadian Pacific Railway was finished on November 7th 1885. 

    Canada promised the Railway would be in two years but ended up being almost five years behind schedule. 

    In 1870 Canada had bought Rupert`s Land and North-West Territories from the Hudson`s Bay compony. 

      Canada had control over a large amount of land between The Great Lakes and B.C. which eventually was where a railway was built. 

     Manitoba became Canada`s fifth province on may 12th 1870 after entering confederation. 


British Columbia and Confederation | The Canadian ... 



Manitoba and Confederation | The Canadian Encyclopedia 


The building of the first railway 

  • The building of the first rail way 

  • The Canadian government is paying to build the rail way across Canada 

______ When 1881- 1885 



  • They hire  men to do the work   

  • They had a plan  

  • They made time zones 

  • They moved indigenous people to reserve  


  • They built the railway to get BC to join them  and keep Rupertsland 


  • They hired mefrom China to do the most dangerous stuff 

  • MacDonald had great vison to build a rail way across  

  • 135 years ago, and stretches 5,000 kilometres across Canada. 

  • Bonfield, Ontario. Was where the first spike was hammered in to the ground 

  •  They paid  Major Albert Bowman Rogers $5000  to find a rout thru the mountains 

  • The last spike was hammered  November 7th1885, by Donald Alexander Smith, 




 The RCMP 


_ Formed 1873 

Gov. Canada sent police to patrol the new land in western Canada. 

Forming of the RCMP 

Gov. Canada NWMP/ RCMP 

May 3 1873 

 Formed our national police force  

Helped protect our county  

Gov. Canada sent police to patrol the new land in western Canada. 

150 recruits sent to MB called North West Monted police. 

 NWMP.  Feb 1, 1920   months later gov. Voted  merge of the NWMP and the eastern Canada police  to the RCMP then rcmp headquarters moved to Ottawa 

Supervised rail way building 

Then got name North west mounted police NWMP  

Dressed in British army uniforms to look British  

NWMP played a big role in treaty signing Southern prairies  

New prime minister sir Wilfrid laurier wanted to eventually disband NWMP 

Facts from: 


U of M

-The University of Manitoba is Western Canada's first university founded on February 28, 1877 just seven years after the province of Manitoba and only four years after the City of Winnipewas created. 

Was created in the the outskirts of Winnipeg (not now) so they could farm fields to experiment on 

Was created mainly to create better farming techniques, especially Wheat> 

- The university of Manitoba was created in 1877  




-In 2016 there were 29,987 students attending the university. 

-the university of Manitoba is an affordable university  

-it is also an university with elite programs 


Rupert's Land

  1. Rupert’s land was the biggest territory in Canada so far 


2. it was also named after a prince; his name was prince Rupert. 


3. Red river rebellion was also known as red river resistance 


4. another name for Rupert’s land is prince Rupert’s land 


5. Rupert’s land stretched one 3rd across Canada so 8 million square kilometers 


6. Rupert’s land was where everyone would “trap and trade their furs” 


7. Canada bought Rupert’s land for 1.5 million dollars   


8. ruperts land was the biggest realistate  


9. When Canada bought Rupert’s land it changed from a good size country to the huge country  


10. But after a little Rupert’s land got divided into 6 provinces  “Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories.    


11. HBC was a fur trading business and since all the fur trades happened in Rupert’s land it makes sense that HBC once owned Rupert’s land 


12. HBC now owns nearly 250 department stores in Canada 


13. Manitoba was Canadas fifth province in Canada after Rupert’s land perished away 


14. Louis Reil owned Canada until he executed an inmate and was being tracked down and hid in States 

15. Louis Reil came back to Canada because Metis and Indigenous people needed a leader 


British Columbia joins Canada  

John a mc Donald get bc to join Canada by promising a railway which would connect) join 

Bc to the rest of Canada. Railway begins to get buitt between 1881 and 1885 and  

Canada could build from sea to sea so that they will have more power. Canada becomes first country to have a railway from sea to sea which will enable them to ship things back and forth across Canada. 

July 20, 1871 B.c. finally joins Canada. 


McDonalds role in building a railway 


McDonalds role in building a railway  

The federal government and John a McDonald. 

February 16, 1881, Canada to 1885connected Eastern Canada to BC and played an important role in the development of the nation. 

Workers drove spikes into mountains, filled the holes with black powder, and blasted through the rock inch by inch. Handcarts moved the drift from cuts to fills. 

So that BC would join Canada. 

So, Canada could move across the country faster.  

The railroad made movement across the country cheap and convenient. 

The Canadian Pacific Railway was formed to physically unite Canada and Canadians from coast to coast and the building of the railway is one of Canada's greatest feats of engineering. 

The railway brings everything to the north where no railway means no supplies. 

Every day Canadian Pacific's 12,000 plus employees work to keep their fleet of 1,000 freight trains moving. 

The railway played an important role in the development of the nation.