Wednesday 4 November 2020

Book Review, The Mighty (Freak the Mighty is the movie title)

 The Mighty Book Review Activities 

Section I-C Level Choose any number of these assignments for a maximum of 125pts, a minimum of 100pts.  (half weighted)
1. Illustrate a scene from the book, using paint, markers, colored pencils, Photoshop, photographic collage, etc. (15pts) 
2. Find song lyrics from any artist that you feel define one of the characters in the book. Copy the lyrics and describe why you think these lyrics define that particular character. (15pts) Sing the song to the class (5pts) 
3. Build an ornithopter. (15pts) 
4. Kevin and Max’s relationship evolves from day care to the end of grade Eight. Do an interpretive dance of their relationship (15pts) Perform the dance in front of the class (5pts). Perhaps combine this with #13 or #14 
5. Create a map of story locations (15pts) 
6. Create a Facebook profile for one of the characters. Template in the handout box (15pts) 
7. During the summer Kevin gets Max up and going in the morning so they can have adventures. What would this process look like if done by texts? is where you can create text messages. Be sure to take a screen shot, use the snipping tool (15pts) 
8. Create a diorama of a scene from the novel. (15pts) 
9. Choose 15-20 interesting and/or unfamiliar words from the novel and make flash cards with their definitions. Know their meanings. (10pts) 
10. Create a poster advertising the book, or a cover for the book. (15pts) 
11. Act out a scene from the book. You may work with one or more partners. (15pts) In front of the class (5pts)
12. Choose one character and write a poem about that character. (15pts) 
13. Create original music that could serve as a soundtrack for a scene from the novel. MixCraft is a program on your computer that you could do this with (15pts) 
14. Play original music that you created with real instruments for a scene from the book. This could be done with partners. (20pts) 
15. Create puppets of 2 major and 2 minor characters. (10pts) 
16. Act out a scene with your puppets. (15pts) 
17. Find an actual medical diagnosis for Kevin. Write two or three paragraphs outlining why you think the diagnosis you found is correct. (15pts) 
18. Choose your favourite part of the book/movie. Write a description of this part of the book/movie and tell why it is your favourite. Must be presented to the class. (15pts) OR Choose your favourite part of the book/movie. Write a description of this part of the book/movie and tell why it is your favourite. Must be in language other than English. (15pts) 
19. Create a crossword puzzle using clues and words from the story. Use at least 15 words. 
20. Have the class play a kahoot game that you created based on the story. One point for each question, max 15 pts. 
21. Solve a classmate's crossword(5pts ea, max. 15pts)
22. A cover for our dictionary that Kevin would approve of. 
 After Section I is complete, then 
Section II – B level Choose one -25 pts 
1. Create a movie trailer for the book. This could be done with partners. 
2. Rewrite the ending of the novel.  
3. Write a one to two page description of a time you witnessed bullying. Explain how you felt at the time, how you reacted at the time, and how you might react now. 
4. Read one of the Legends of King Arthur and his knights. Give a report on the legend to the class. 
5. Read the sequel Max the Mighty.  
6. Create a Snakes and Ladders game. A hundred squares, 6 ladders and 6 snakes.
7. Create a video game. Multiple characters, a point system, and sound. 
After Section II is complete, then 
Section III- A level Choose one 50 points. Discuss your topic with a parent, other adult, or find sources outside of your classmates, to inform your opinion and expose you to other viewpoints. Decide your opinion and give a two-minute speech or a two-hundred word defense of your position.  Give credit to your outside sources, and there must be at least 2 sources. 
1. Science is making great leaps in genetics.  The day is fast approaching where genetically designed babies could be a reality, babies that would not have the disease that Kevin had. Would it be better if only perfect children were allowed to be born? 
2. Why do some people harass or intimidate others? Think of adults as well as children and teenagers. 
3. Do you think students with special needs, and Max and Kevin had special needs, should learn in separate classrooms or in a regular classroom with other students? 
4. If you were a parent, what advice would you give to your child if he or she were being bullied? Think beyond just the immediate situation and consider the development of your child.  

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