Monday 31 May 2021

215 Bodies found in unmarked graves

At a  Kamloops Residential school ground radar found 215 unmarked graves. The Catholic Church who ran the school had stated earlier that 50 children had died at the school. 

"There may be reasons why they wouldn't record the deaths properly and that they weren't treated with dignity and respect because that was the whole purpose of the residential school ... to take total control of Indian children, to remove their culture, identity and connection to their family,"

From our studies on Residential schools earlier, we know that many children died and that some were buried in unmarked graves. Still, 215 is shocking

-Are their mass grave of undocumented deaths at other schools? 4,100 students are know to have died, but Alberta alone thinks there is another 800 'missing' children from their province. 

-What does this say about the Church and Government that were in charge of the schools?

-Bishop Grandin is a major street in Winnipeg named after a Catholic Bishop who advocated for Metis rights but also advocated for and was a big supporter of Residential schools. Many other things, such as a part of our city, is also named after him. Should we keep honouring his name or should we rename these things?

Coming Up

 Early Dismissal tomorrow, so arrange now for your ride home hehehehe

If we do come back to school next week, we are doing commercials

Last Day of May

On Friday 15 facts for the history projects was due

On Friday, and next Friday, and next Friday,  you have a journal to do. Still waiting for a bunch from last Friday.  Journal 17 this Friday. 

Some poetry this week

Working on the history project

More Posted.

Job 1 this week, your yearbook entry!!!

Thursday 27 May 2021

Point of View

 Today-We talk about the point of view of your novel in breakout groups

Today-You might want to send me your notes for feedback

Tomorrow-Your ORGANIZED notes, with 15 facts CLEARLY presented

Tomorrow-Journal due, minimum 10 sentences, 300 words. 

Week Friday-Yearbook Entry

Reading the poem below from bottom to top is a powerful process of self-actualization, a positive experience. Definitely not the same experience if you view the poem from top to bottom. The point of view in a story is also very powerful in what kind of story it is. The Jets swept the Oilers, which is a very different story in Edmonton than it is in Winnipeg. The point of view, like the poem, definitely changes the story. 

The Four Types of Point of View

Here are the four primary POV types in fiction:

  • First person point of view. First person is when “I” am telling the story. The character is in the story, relating his or her experiences directly.
  • Second person point of view. The story is told to “you.” This POV is not common in fiction, but it’s still good to know (it is common in nonfiction).
  • Third person point of view, limited. The story is about “he” or “she.” This is the most common point of view in commercial fiction. The narrator is outside of the story and relating the experiences of a character.
  • Third person point of view, omniscient. The story is still about “he” or “she,” but the narrator has full access to the thoughts and experiences of all characters in the story.


Tuesday 25 May 2021

History Project Example


Step 1 READ

Step 2 Choose a Topic

Step 3 READ some MORE

As you do step 3, you should be gathering lots and lots of facts and sources. Once you have scores of facts put down, with their sources, then we need to organize the facts. 

Here is my example for The Battle of Vimy Ridge

Step 4 Gather Notes (15 marks)

______ Title (name of event/person/activity,and your name) 1 mark-Keep focused on the topic
-Canada conquering Vimy Ridge
_______Who/What (describe major people/groups/event/action/activity involved) 1-See above-Focus!
-Canada fighting for the first time as a Canadian Army with Canadian leaders attack Vimy ridge
 ______ When (period it took place, try and be very specific)1-Focus
-The Attack happened on Easter Weekend, 
_______How (How it worked, happened, was created/created change)Multiple Marks
-Canadian soldiers, besides fighting for the first time as a -country, used new tactics. See Below 
-Extensive planning and mapping of the area with planes
-Practicing the battle plan 
-Letting the soldiers know the battle plans
-Creeping barrage where the soldiers followed closely behind the shells
-Very heavy barrage before the attack
-Canada succeeded during the weekend of fighting with about 10,000 causalities (about 3,000 of those dead)
 ______ Why (purpose/significance of event/action/activity/person) was important. Impact on us today? Multiple Marks
-Vimy Ridge, being high land, was seen as being strategically important. The importance of the Ridge to winning the war was probably overstated.
-The Allies didn't have much success in the War to this point.
-France had 150,000 causilties themselves trying to take Vimy Ridge from 1914 to 1916.
-With this success, Canada became the soldiers that the Allies heavily used in attack and the soldiers the Germans most watched out for. 

 ______ Interesting facts and explanations Multiple Marks
-Vimy Ridge land was given to Canada by the French
Big beautiful monument is on the Ridge, which is a Canadian Park.
-The war monument was one of the few Hitler didn't have destroyed when he captured France. It seems he liked it. 
-General Byng was the British officer looking over what the Canadians did (couldn't trust the colonials to be completely unsupervised) later changed his name to 1st Viscount Byng of VIMY and became the G.G. of Canada
-Byng's Wife, Lady Byng, created the Lady Byng Trophy

_______Sources!!!! Have more than one, and be careful when picking your sources. 
Wikipedia is not a bad place to start, but isn't a good reference because it is every changing. It does list sources though, so consult those!

Coming Up

The Jets Won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday Journals-Trying to find journals last Friday from  Bryce,  Lucas, Leland. 

This Friday, guess what, another journal. You could start writing it now. Journal 16. If you need a topic "I did something really nice."

Due Tomorrow-Blog your answer to the Poem below. 

Pretty ugly

You are all special and beautiful people, but sometimes we forget that. Sometimes people, because of their own issues, want us to feel bad about ourselves. Remembering that we are special and wonderful is sometimes difficult and takes a positive view. How does the poem below convey that simply changing your viewpoint makes all the difference? Blog below if you think you have the answer.

I'm very ugly
So don't try to convince me that
I am a very beautiful person
Because at the end of the day
I hate myself in every single way
And I'm not going to lie to myself by saying
There is beauty inside of me that matters
So rest assured I will remind myself
That I am a worthless, terrible person
And nothing you say will make me believe
I still deserve love
Because no matter what
I am not good enough to be loved
And I am in no position to believe that
Beauty does exist within me
Because whenever I look in the mirror
I always think Am I as ugly as people say?
- Abdullah Shoaib

Yay for Vlada


Friday 21 May 2021


 Overdue work from last week? Don't Know? Check here

-Due Today, your Journal. If needed, more details and inspiration here

-Due Today, Questions on The Voyage of the Damned 

-Due Yesterday, Questions on the Poems about Success

-Due in Two Weeks, Your Yearbook Entry. CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR AND SPELLING!!!!! (yes, I was yelling.)

No School on Monday. Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 20 May 2021

Your Yearbook Entry

 Yearbook Submissions!

  1. Submit a favourite picture/drawing that represents you.
  2. Give us up to 50 words about you and/or your experience at Bruce. 
  3. We are also looking for any extra pictures of Bruce and the students that you might want to submit.
Examples of contributions: 
favourite memories of Bruce, what you have learned in your journey through Middle school, what your future might hold, or any other faves you would like to share (music, hobbies, sports, food, etc.)

Submit by June 4 

It can be handed in by email, on TEAMS, on Showbie code-4GJDR or . . . ?
Make sure your picture is handed in separately, NOT in a word document. 


Nickname: Madame
Faves: Iron Maiden, Bjork, trees, festivals, concerts, live Jets games, chocolat, and my family 
Future: learn to speak Anishinabe, German, and Italian
Best Bruce Memory: Finding my classroom covered in toilet paper by HARLAND!!!

Cinquain 2,4,6,8,2 syllables

Bruce School
Wow, what a Year
New Friends, New School, Still Masks
Looking Forward to Grade 7, Oh Yeah
My School

Haiku 5,7,5, syllables 

Can also be done as a paragraph

Tuesday 18 May 2021

The ship St.Louis and the Voyage of the Damned


 The Meaning of Success

"To laugh often and much; 
to win the respect of intelligent people
 and the affection of children; 
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends; 
to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
 to leave the world a little better; 
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition; 
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. 
This is the meaning of success."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson (but probably not)

“Speech to the Young: Speech to the Progress-Toward”  

Say to them,
say to the down-keepers,
the sun-slappers,
the self-soilers,
the harmony-hushers,
“even if you are not ready for day
it cannot always be night.”
You will be right.
For that is the hard home-run.

Live not for battles won.
Live not for the-end-of-the-song.
Live in the along.

-By Gwendolyn Brooks

Monday 17 May 2021


Coming Up

- Some More Poetry This Week

-More Posted Readings

-Continued Novel Studies Arianna, Kate, Dom, Leland, Mackenzie, Sidney,  Addie,  I couldn't fine your Rising Action posts. 

-Voyage of the Damned

-Journal, at least 10 sentences and 300 words. If you need a topic-Places you have never been to, but want to go. Mackenze, Dom, Leland & Annalie, I didn't see your Journal from last week. 

-Science will be taken over tomorrow by Ms Stahl. 

Which of the pictures below is from a Bruce school trip that hopefully you will take in grade 7? Which one is a place that I still wish to see?

Thursday 13 May 2021

Coming Up

-9 Questions on the Poem below

 -Click on your book link above, you have a Rising Action assignment to complete

-Friday, end of the day is your journal. At least 10 sentences, 300 words. 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

First They Came For

                               First They Came for

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller was a U-boat commander in the First World War and a Protestant minister who initially supported Hitler's rise to power. He was later imprisoned in 1937 for criticizing Hitler and his government. 

1.Who are “they” that Niemöller writes about, as in, “first they came for…”?
The Facists, Hitler's people, The government of the day in Germany 

2. What does it mean when he says, “came for”? Came to take them to concentration camps,.

3. Why does he repeat the phrase, “Then they came for…” several times? To emphasize

4. What effect does the repetition of this phrase have on the listener? Makes the listener focus on that phrase

5. What other groups did the Nazis “come for” before and during the 2nd WW?
Gypsies, Polish priests, Russian solders, Socialists, communists, Mental and physical challenges, Jews, Slavs, 

6. The narrator of Niemöller’s poem is obviously himself. But the narrator is also somebody else. Who? YOU, THE READER

7. What does he mean by, “I didn’t speak up”? What are some ways he could have “spoken up”? Stating your opinion, Participating in Pride Parade, BLM. Protests, Going to people who can help change things. 

8.  "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Do you think this quote is accurate? Explain

9. Margret Mead spent her life studying cultures and how people relate. She said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Do you think a few people can change the World? Defend your answer. 

Thursday 6 May 2021

The Second World War

 In class we will be going over and discussing the two videos below


 Idioms are phrases that don't make sense if taken literally. Every culture has its own set of idioms. Below are some idioms from our N.A. culture.  Figuratively (using pictures/drawings represent an idiom

A blessing in disguisea good thing that seemed bad at firstas part of a sentence
A dime a dozenSomething commonas part of a sentence
Beat around the bushAvoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortableas part of a sentence
Better late than neverBetter to arrive late than not to come at allby itself
Bite the bulletTo get something over with because it is inevitableas part of a sentence
Break a legGood luckby itself
Call it a dayStop working on somethingas part of a sentence
Cut somebody some slackDon't be so criticalas part of a sentence
Cutting cornersDoing something poorly in order to save time or moneyas part of a sentence
Easy does itSlow downby itself
Get out of handGet out of controlas part of a sentence
Get something out of your systemDo the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move onas part of a sentence
Get your act togetherWork better or leaveby itself
Give someone the benefit of the doubtTrust what someone saysas part of a sentence
Go back to the drawing boardStart overas part of a sentence
Hang in thereDon't give upby itself
Hit the sackGo to sleepas part of a sentence
It's not rocket scienceIt's not complicatedby itself
Let someone off the hookTo not hold someone responsible for somethingas part of a sentence
Make a long story shortTell something brieflyas part of a sentence
Miss the boatIt's too lateas part of a sentence
No pain, no gainYou have to work for what you wantby itself
On the ballDoing a good jobas part of a sentence
Pull someone's legTo joke with someoneas part of a sentence
Pull yourself togetherCalm downby itself
So far so goodThings are going well so farby itself
Speak of the devilThe person we were just talking about showed up!by itself
That's the last strawMy patience has run outby itself
The best of both worldsAn ideal situationas part of a sentence
Time flies when you're having funYou don't notice how long something lasts when it's funby itself
To get bent out of shapeTo get upsetas part of a sentence
To make matters worseMake a problem worseas part of a sentence
Under the weatherSickas part of a sentence
We'll cross that bridge when we come to itLet's not talk about that problem right nowby itself
Wrap your head around somethingUnderstand something complicatedas part of a sentence
You can say that againThat's true, I agreeby itself
Your guess is as good as mineI have no ideaby itself

Common English idioms & expressions

These English idioms are used quite regularly in the United States. You may not hear them every day, but they will be very familiar to any native English speaker. You can be confident using any of them when the context is appropriate.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushWhat you have is worth more than what you might have laterby itself
A penny for your thoughtsTell me what you're thinkingby itself
A penny saved is a penny earnedMoney you save today you can spend laterby itself
A perfect stormthe worst possible situationas part of a sentence
A picture is worth 1000 wordsBetter to show than tellby itself
Actions speak louder than wordsBelieve what people do and not what they sayby itself
Add insult to injuryTo make a bad situation worseas part of a sentence
Barking up the wrong treeTo be mistaken, to be looking for solutions in the wrong placeas part of a sentence
Birds of a feather flock togetherPeople who are alike are often friends (usually used negatively)by itself
Bite off more than you can chewTake on a project that you cannot finishas part of a sentence
Break the iceMake people feel more comfortableas part of a sentence
By the skin of your teethJust barelyas part of a sentence
Comparing apples to orangesComparing two things that cannot be comparedas part of a sentence
Costs an arm and a legVery expensiveas part of a sentence
Do something at the drop of a hatDo something without having planned beforehandas part of a sentence
Do unto others as you would have them do unto youTreat people fairly. Also known as "The Golden Rule"by itself
Don't count your chickens before they hatchDon't count on something good happening until it's itself
Don't cry over spilt milkThere's no reason to complain about something that can't be fixedby itself
Don't give up your day jobYou're not very good at thisby itself
Don't put all your eggs in one basketWhat you're doing is too riskyby itself
Every cloud has a silver liningGood things come after bad thingsby itself
Get a taste of your own medicineGet treated the way you've been treating others (negative)as part of a sentence
Give someone the cold shoulderIgnore someoneas part of a sentence
Go on a wild goose chaseTo do something pointlessas part of a sentence
Good things come to those who waitBe patientby itself
He has bigger fish to fryHe has bigger things to take care of than what we are talking about nowby itself
He's a chip off the old blockThe son is like the fatherby itself
Hit the nail on the headGet something exactly rightby itself
Ignorance is blissYou're better off not knowingby itself
It ain't over till the fat lady singsThis isn't over yetby itself
It takes one to know oneYou're just as bad as I amby itself
It's a piece of cakeIt's easyby itself
It's raining cats and dogsIt's raining hardby itself
Kill two birds with one stoneGet two things done with a single actionby itself
Let the cat out of the bagGive away a secretas part of a sentence
Live and learnI made a mistakeby itself
Look before you leapTake only calculated risksby itself
On thin iceOn probation. If you make another mistake, there will be part of a sentence
Once in a blue moonRarelyas part of a sentence
Play devil's advocateTo argue the opposite, just for the sake of argumentas part of a sentence
Put something on icePut a projet on holdas part of a sentence
Rain on someone's paradeTo spoil somethingas part of a sentence
Saving for a rainy daySaving money for lateras part of a sentence
Slow and steady wins the raceReliability is more important than speedby itself
Spill the beansGive away a secretas part of a sentence
Take a rain checkPostpone a planas part of a sentence
Take it with a grain of saltDon’t take it too seriouslyas part of a sentence
The ball is in your courtIt's your decisionby itself
The best thing since sliced breadA really good inventionas part of a sentence
The devil is in the detailsIt looks good from a distance, but when you look closer, there are problemsby itself
The early bird gets the wormThe first people who arrive will get the best stuffby itself
The elephant in the roomThe big issue, the problem people are avoidingas part of a sentence
The whole nine yardsEverything, all the part of a sentence
There are other fish in the seaIt's ok to miss this opportunity. Others will itself
There's a method to his madnessHe seems crazy but actually he's cleverby itself
There's no such thing as a free lunchNothing is entirely freeby itself
Throw caution to the windTake a riskas part of a sentence
You can't have your cake and eat it tooYou can't have everythingby itself
You can't judge a book by its coverThis person or thing may look bad, but it's good insideby itself

Familiar English idioms & proverbs

These English idioms and proverbs are familiar and easily understood by native English speakers, but they are not usually used in everyday conversation. If you haven't mastered the more frequent idioms yet, they are a better place to start, but if you're already familiar with those expressions, the idioms below will further spice up your English.

A little learning is a dangerous thingPeople who don't understand something fully are dangerousby itself
A snowball effectEvents have momentum and build upon each otheras part of a sentence
A snowball's chance in hellNo chance at allas part of a sentence
A stitch in time saves nineFix the problem now because it will get worse laterby itself
A storm in a teacupA big fuss about a small problemas part of a sentence
An apple a day keeps the doctor awayApples are good for youby itself
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cureYou can prevent a problem with little effort. Fixing it later is itself
As right as rainPerfectas part of a sentence
Bolt from the blueSomething that happened without warningas part of a sentence
Burn bridgesDestroy relationshipsas part of a sentence
Calm before the stormSomething bad is coming, but right now it's calmas part of a sentence
Come rain or shineNo matter whatas part of a sentence
Curiosity killed the catStop asking questionsby itself
Cut the mustardDo a good jobas part of a sentence
Don't beat a dead horseMove on, this subject is overby itself
Every dog has his dayEveryone gets a chance at least onceby itself
Familiarity breeds contemptThe better you know someone the less you like himby itself
Fit as a fiddleIn good healthas part of a sentence
Fortune favours the boldTake risksby itself
Get a second windHave more energy after having been tiredas part of a sentence
Get wind of somethingHear news of something secretas part of a sentence
Go down in flamesFail spectacularlyas part of a sentence
Haste makes wasteYou'll make mistakes if you rush through somethingby itself
Have your head in the cloudsNot be concentratingas part of a sentence
He who laughs last laughs loudestI'll get you back for what you didby itself
Hear something straight from the horse's mouthHear something from the person involvedas part of a sentence
He's not playing with a full deckHe's dumbby itself
He's off his rockerHe's crazyby itself
He's sitting on the fenceHe can't make up his mindby itself
It is a poor workman who blames his toolsIf you can't do the job, don't blame it on othersby itself
It is always darkest before the dawnThings are going to get betterby itself
It takes two to tangoOne person alone isn't responsible. Both people are itself
Jump on the bandwagonFollow a trend, do what everyone else is doingas part of a sentence
Know which way the wind is blowingUnderstand the situation (usually negative)as part of a sentence
Leave no stone unturnedLook everywhereas part of a sentence
Let sleeping dogs lieStop discussing an issueas part of a sentence
Like riding a bicycleSomething you never forget how to doas part of a sentence
Like two peas in a podThey're always togetheras part of a sentence
Make hay while the sun shinesTake advantage of a good situationas part of a sentence
On cloud nineVery happyas part of a sentence
Once bitten, twice shyYou're more cautious when you've been hurt beforeby itself
Out of the frying pan and into the fireThings are going from bad to worseby itself
Run like the windRun fastas part of a sentence
Shape up or ship outWork better or leaveby itself
Snowed underBusyas part of a sentence
That ship has sailedIt's too lateby itself
The pot calling the kettle blackSomeone criticizing someone else he is just as badas part of a sentence
There are clouds on the horizonTrouble is comingby itself
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesPeople who are morally questionable shouldn't criticize othersby itself
Through thick and thinIn good times and in bad timesas part of a sentence
Time is moneyWork quicklyby itself
Waste not, want notDon't waste things and you'll always have enoughby itself
We see eye to eyeWe agreeby itself
Weather the stormGo through something difficultas part of a sentence
Well begun is half doneGetting a good start is importantby itself
When it rains it poursEverything is going wrong at onceby itself
You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegarYou'll get what you want by being niceby itself
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drinkYou can't force someone to make the right decisionby itself
You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggsThere's always a cost to doing somethingby itself