Wednesday 16 December 2020

Winter Celebrations

 Finding Information-How many answers can you find? See what you can do and blog your answers below. If you are done early, and good luck, then go back and read in more depth. 

Iroquois Winter Celebration

Big Heads and Stirring Ashes
1.What is the stirring of the Ashes?

2. How can the wearing of ugly Christmas sweaters be traced to the ancient Romans?

Winter Celebrations around the World

3.While eating food cooked in oil, what game might you play during Hanukah?

4.What festival is called first fruits?

The History of Christmas in Canada
5.Who is Santa Claus based from?
6.How did Christmas trees become a thing for English speaking countries?
7.What type of pie is  traditionally eaten in Quebec on Christmas Eve?

The History of Christmas
8.Who popularized gift giving on Christmas?
9.What day used to be gift giving?

Diwali-Festival of Lights
10.This popular festival is held during the Autumn in India. What is the key ingredient to this Festival to mark the victory of good over evil?

Using your knowledge
11.Why would many cultures from the Northern Hemisphere have winter festivals that feature light, greenery, and food?

12. Christmas hasn't always been popular among Christians. It is now a very popular celebration, but what remains as the big religious day for Christians?

13.Santa Clause has been accused of being a shill popularized by Coca-Cola and other retail cooperation. What is a shill?

14. If you owned a department store, would you go to the expense of popularizing Santa Clause, maybe even having a Santa Clause? Explain.

15. A hundred years from now, Christmas, or our major winter celebration will . . .  (give details)

16. Some in our class celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December, for some Christmas officially arrives at a different date.  How did we get multiple offical Christmase dates?

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Story Structure-Gift of the Magi

Using either or both versions of the story we have played in class, answer the questions below. 


Sunday 13 December 2020

Coming Up

Book books from the library for Christmas Break
Organize our binders
Ms Carey p3 Monday
p1,5 Tuesday is ornament painting
Finishing up the Book Review projects this week
Christmas history in Canada
More Gift of the Magi and story structure questions
Lost in the Winter Wilds project and lots of cold stories after our Winter Break.

Granddaughter thought he should be kept warm. Later she tucked him in and walked. 


Thursday 10 December 2020

The Gift of the Magi


O. Henry was an extremely popular author, who was known for writing short stories that have a surprise ending. The Gift of the Magi is probably his most popular story. Here it is below, in the original text, later we will view a modern short film version, and a version done by Sesame Street.



Story Structure questions, as promised

 Remembering about story structure and using the notes we took yesterday,  view this classic Canadian story.


Tuesday 8 December 2020

Parts of a story

Having out the class handout sheet in your binder, which is also here, listen as a class to this classic Christmas story.

As a class, we will answer the questions below. Write them down for your own personal reference. 

1. The Setting

2. The Initial Action

3. At least 2 incidents of Rising Action

4. The Climax

5. The Resolution

6. What is the conflict? We  will Pick a conflict from the handout sheet and explain

Monday 7 December 2020

Coming Up


Notes and Questions on Social Study presentations this week.

Finishing up level C and onto level B for the book review. 

Friday-Journal, 10 sentences If you need a starting line  'It wasn't Santa Clause coming down the chimney . . . '

Beach Day, school wide